Wednesday, May 27, 2009

important UPDATE in the jesse rose vs jesse rose knife fight

jesse rose is a berlin-based london house dj
jesse rose is also a dc-based BOSTONIAN resident bad-ass- not from minneapolis- but isn't minneapolitan a fun word? it's up there w/ michigander as my favorite domonym.
who will win this epic battle of geniuses? i really like jesse rose my fraternity brother and classmate from gwu. i really want to like jesse rose the dj- but i dunno if i'm ever going to get over him coppin jesse rose's name like that. where do you stand on the jesse rose vs jesse rose battle royale? perhaps we should divide into softball teams and settle this on the field.

here are some tracks from jesse rose- the boy who be frontin'- not my boy, jesse rose.
Jesse Rose- Miss Taker (feat/ David E Sugar)
Jesse Rose- Touch My Horn


  1. Jesse Rose (not the dj)May 26, 2009 at 12:48 PM

    I think, obviously speaking with an unbiased opinion that the GWU version is superior. He has yet to reach his potential!

  2. i'm your starting pitcher- the real jesse rose
