Tuesday, June 2, 2009

pool boy party is officially cancelled

so apparently my inability to get lazy gays to pay $10 in southwest dc at a venue they've never been to at a pool party during a thunderstorm was deserving of giving me the AXX after only 1 try.

sorry to everyone who came to the event, was planning on coming to the event in the future, to the DJ's i lined-up to co-DJ with me, and to the MC's that were coming. i'm sad to see it go just as much as you. could have been really fun.

their loss- right?

i'll keep you updated on other events i have coming up- probably gonna go forward on my hip hop night now so i'll give you the dets when i got 'em.

this song seems fitting at the moment
En Vogue- Never Gonna Get it (My Lovin)


  1. Hey Tommy...that sucks, I was planning on getting there on the first nice day, I think it would have been a good time and picked up steam. Too bad it was judged based on a stormy day!

  2. Damn man that sucks! Fuck that place Im sure you would have been bringing in the bank. Goodluck
